Thursday, September 29, 2016

Exciting recording news!


To celebrate, we are having a CD release party. The thrift store is graciously hosting this--thanks guys!  I am super excited about this evening! I will be singing all 8 of the songs on the CD.  You are all invited! You could even come sing at the open mic if you wanted to. :)

I cannot explain to you how exciting it was once everything for the order was sent off.  We set goals for ourselves that we missed, but also goals that we accomplished.  We definitely took longer to complete it than what we envisioned, but I think to be able to say that WE COMPLETED IT is for sure more important. 

I believe we started in May of 2014 and we finished in September of 2016.  Considering that I was pregnant, that we had Bryce, that we went to NYC for six weeks, and also just that we did normal life in that time span, I think we did an okay job. :) The glory goes to God though, literally.  He gave us the strength and perseverance to finish.  It's a dream come true.

Also, thank you for checking up on us and for asking how recording was going.  Thank you for supporting us in this project!

The music will be available through places like Amazon MP3, ITunes, Spotify, Google Play, etc.  And of course there will be the hardcopy CD if you'd prefer that. 

I will keep you all posted and let you know when it's available for purchase!

Have a great night!

1 comment:

  1. Excited for you as well...and HAPPY BIRTHDAY, DUSTIN!!! :)
