Saturday, November 14, 2015

Recording Update #2

Today's recording update & pictures.  That is today's blog post summary!

Today the guys have been mainly working on adding guitar to the songs, "I Surrender" and "Colton's Song"!  Mostly, what this consists of is them brainstorming together and thinking what style of guitar sounds best, practicing a little, critiquing, and finally, recording. :)

"I Surrender" and "Colton's Song" are my top two favorite songs, I think.  Not all of my songs have stories behind them, but these two do--maybe that's why they're favorites.

Anyways, when I would play music for friends or family, it would often be one or both of these songs.  Of any of the music that wouldn't have been forgotten, it hopefully would have been these two.  I've played them over and over again, with just piano.  Then guitar was added when Dustin started playing the music as well.  I'm so used to hearing this music in a very acoustic version.  So that was a hurdle for me/us--trying to decide if or when we were adding too much and taking away from the message of the music/trying to be Rock Stars when we really are not, ha!

But Praise God, I think we got it figured out today with the guitar being added!  I'm really excited with how it's sounding.  It makes me so much more excited to release this CD! I guess today's recording was a mini breakthrough then!

So, another good day.  Thanks, God!

My normal "this is how I record when I'm pregnant" position. Standing and singing at the same time took too much energy. :)  

Dustin's sister, Amy, flew out to visit and record some background vocals!  

Ashton did SO WELL. He barely made a sound that long day of recording!  

Blankets, always blankets.  

Andrew, the master producer!  

So much practice. 

And discussion.  

 And finally, recording!

My brother, Austin, recording background vocals! 

Bryce is infatuated with Andrew, no lie. He'll often stare-gaze and smile at him, haha! 

Vic-tor-yyyy. Boom. Bam. Done. 

Bryce, the Champer-Whamper. 

Feelin' that beat, ha!

We're going to be off for the next two weekends, but then we're back! Until next time!

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